The Christmas Market at Angel Manor Estate
Open to all builders, creators and merchants of Second Life.
We particularly welcome applications from charities.
Applications open until 26th November.
The Christmas Market will open to designers 1st - 8th December and open to the public 10th December 2017 - 6th January 2018.
There will be space for ten stalls only, so please apply in plenty of time
Each stall will be provided and prim allowance will be a maximum of 30
Your logo will be displayed on this page and the market advertised extensively by Angel Manor Estate. We will supply a poster that we would ask you to display at your store location and across social media
All vendors must be single prim and unscripted
You keep 100% of your sales but we would ask you have one 0$ gift
At least half of your items should be Christmas/ Christmas market or Winter themed
There is no charge for entry to the market or for market stalls
Please allow one group space to participate in the Market
All items for sale must be your own original work
We reserve the right to return items that do not match the quality of the event or go against the TOS of Linden Lab/ Second Life
We reserve the right to reject applications from merchants that do not fit the quality of Angel Manor Estate.